МЕДИ Экспо — Complications of pregnancy and preterm delivery: from science to practice. II National interdisciplinary education congress
Complications of pregnancy and preterm delivery: from science to practice. II National interdisciplinary education congress

Complications of pregnancy and preterm delivery: from science to practice

II National interdisciplinary education congress

21-24 May 2013
Moscow, Academica Oparina street, 4, Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology


  • FSBE "Science Center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology, named after academician V.I.Kulakov"
  • Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • Congress operator MEDI Event

The aim of the Congress is to "broadcast" the results of basic research into everyday clinical practice with an emphasis on prediction, early detection and optimization of obstetric tactics.

Congress invited to obstetrician-gynecologists, neonatologists, therapists, heads of departments and heads of institutions obstetrics, perinatal centers, policy makers and others

Congress participants will be offered lectures, containing new relevant information, round tables, clinical analysis, and training school on the following topics:

  • Preeclampsia: early prediction, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
  • Modern protocols for pregnant women with gipertenzmivnymi states. Hypertensive crisis. Cardiorenal continuum.
  • Prematurity and perinatal aspects of miscarriage: late and induced preterm birth. Molecular determinants. New approaches to therapy.
  • Contribution of thrombophilic states in the development of pregnancy complications. Obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome. Hereditary thrombotic defects of hemostasis. Diagnostics. Assessment of the risk of thromboembolic complications. Treatment and prevention.
  • The management of pregnancy in women with endocrine disorders: metabolic syndrome, diabetes, thyroid disease. The modern definition. International standards and protocols for.
  • Medical and organizational aspects of improving specialized and high-tech medical care for pregnant women with congenital malformations of the fetus. The role of prenatal consultation.
  • Collagen and pregnancy: from the molecular genetic diagnosis to prevention.
  • The course of pregnancy after organ transplants (kidney, liver, heart).
  • Modern possibilities of molecular-genetic, clinical, immunological and microbiological diagnosis of infections in obstetrics.

As part of an interdisciplinary workshop, "A rare patient" planned analysis of clinical cases:
- Pregnancy and disease of the transplanted vessels, Takayasu's arteritis, thrombosis of mechanical heart valve, diabetes insipidus, hyperparathyroidism, a brain tumor, Maine;
- Cardiovascular events during pregnancy (eclampsia, stroke, myocardial infarction).

There will be workshops in the format of thematic workshops "Relay generations" with leading professors, will be addressed the topic: "Classical and perinatal obstetrics. Finding consensus."

Expected to address the leading foreign professors: G.C. Di Renzo (Italy), S.S. Hassan (USA), V. Berghella (USA), C. Redman (UK), A. Kurjak (Croatia), A. Tranguili (Italy), etc.

The participants of the Congress will be able to not only learn new skills, but also to share their achievements in the field of maternal and child health and to establish long-term cooperation with colleagues in different fields of obstetrics and perinatology. Congress organizers are confident that our joint efforts will help raise the level of health care for mothers and children.

The Congress will be the leading specialized exhibition of Russian and foreign manufacturers: medical technology and equipment, medicines, infant care and personal care products for pregnant women, baby foods for pregnant and nursing mothers.

In the days of the Congress will be an exhibition and sale of specialized literature.

We are confident that the Congress will take place not only at the high scientific and practical level, but will be remembered and the special atmosphere created by the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, as well as an interesting cultural program.