МЕДИ Экспо — Contacts
Advances in prenatal diagnosis of congenital abnormalities. The 4th Annual Obstetrical Ultrasound course



Registration of delegates
Ekaterina Romanova
E-mail: reg@mediexpo.ru
Tel. +7 (495) 721-88-66 (ext. 111)
Mob .: +7 (929) 646-51-66

Participation in the exhibition
Evelina Rudyakova
Project Manager
Email: evelina@mediexpo.ru
Tel. +7 (495) 721-8866 (ext. 110)
Mob. +7 (926) 216-73-76

Hotel reservations and booking air and rail / train tickets
Elena Suchkova
E-mail: hotel@mediexpo.ru
Tel. +7 (495) 721-88-66 (ext. 105)
Mob .: +7 (926) 095-29-02