МЕДИ Экспо — MEDiagnostics-2009


International specialized exhibition devoted to human diseases diagnostics

26-29 May, 2009, World Trade Center, Moscow

The International specialized exhibition “MEDiagnostics-2009” will be held on May 26-28, 2009 in the World Trade Center with the participation and support of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences and under the patronage of the Chamber of commerce and industry of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of the exhibition Scientific and practical forum “Medical diagnostics” will be held (May 26-29, 2009).

This forum and the exhibition, making up the unit, is the main event in Russia in the sphere of diseases diagnostics and contributes to the realization of the “Health” priority national project as far as the preventive direction of public health and Russian medical industry is concerned.

During three days the recent achievements of Russian and foreign companies-manufacturers of medical diagnostic equipment and medicines will be presented at the exhibition grounds and its specialized shows “Radiology”, LaborDiagnostics”, Functional diagnostics”.

A very informative program of the forum “Medical diagnostics” includes the major in our country All-Russia national congress on radiodiagnostics and therapy “Radiology-2009”, All-Russia congress on clinical laboratory diagnostics, Conference on functional diagnostics and Symposium on telemedicine. This year an ISMRM Symposium will be held for the first time in the framework of the congress “Radiology”. Speaking at it will be some of the most prominent scientists in magnetic resonance.

The main attention of the congress participants will be given to modern diagnostics and radiotherapy in oncology, to matters of urgent diagnostics in traumatology. Schools and seminars on the most pressing matters of complex diagnostics, there will be meetings devoted to the state of different directions of radiodiagnostics.

Scientific program organizers:

  • Society for radiodiagnostics specialists
  • The Russian association of functional diagnostics specialists
  • The Russian association of medical laboratory diagnostics

The exhibition organizer and the forum congress-operator- “MEDI Expo”, Ltd.