Scientific directions of the Congress on reproductive medicine
At the General Meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences held on December 14-15, 2021, Leyla Adamyan spoke about the risks for pregnant women who have fallen ill with COVID-19, and how to preserve the health of the mother and fetus in an unstable epidemic situation.
The scientific program of the Congress on Reproductive Medicine, which will be held OnLine on January 18-21, 2022, will traditionally cover the most pressing issues:
- COVID-19 – reproductive health, birth outcomes, rehabilitation;
- Benign diseases of the reproductive system – fibroids, endometriosis, hyperplastic processes;
- Preservation of reproductive health (infertility, ART) - new data;
- Reproductive endocrinology (menopause, contraception, etc.);
- Reproductive surgery (endoscopic – LS, GS, robotic, laser);
- New in fundamental medicine and reproduction (genetics, immunology, cell technologies, endocrinology, etc.);
- Oncoprophylaxis in gynecology (vaccination), oncoscreening;
- Management of high-risk pregnancy, etc.
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