МЕДИ Экспо — Financial management

Financial management

Financial management is one of the most essential components of any project. The professionals of our company will render a wide spectrum of services on the flow of funds in the frame of event preparation and holding.

Our specialists will:

  • Form the legal and financial structure of the forthcoming event
  • Project your event budget
  • Prepare and hold the mailing of all the necessary financial documents (bills, contracts) to all the participants, delegates, partners, contracting parties of the congress providing for the possibility of making payments by bank cards online.
  • Monitor the timely payment of bills and collection of closing financial accountability documents
  • Exercise supervision of relations with suppliers and contracting parties in order to receive invoices timely and exchange all the necessary documents
  • Check the late payments
  • Open and administer special account of the congress, which would record all the revenues and from which all the expenses would be carried out, with the regular mailing of notices about all financial transactions
  • Make up and provide the closing financial statements upon the event completion