МЕДИ Экспо — Abstracts
VII ASTAOR International Congress

Publication of Abstracts

Applications are closed!

To publish abstracts, please contact by email: astaor@mail.ru

The publication of abstracts is possible only for registered and paid full registration fee participants!

The procedure for applying for abstracts:

  • an application for abstracts can be made without an advance payment of the registration fee by uploading abstracts

General requirements for the publication of abstracts

  • abstracts should reflect the purpose, materials and research methods, the results obtained and the conclusion - without tables and figures
  • abstracts are included in the registration fee of the participant and are accepted only from registered and paid the registration fee through the personal account of participants. The maximum number of abstracts from one participant is 5
  • maximum number of characters - 2,500 (no spaces)
  • contact details from the participant (name, place of work, city, country)