МЕДИ Экспо — News


On December 19, 2020, the ХIX Congress of Pediatric Infectious Diseases of Russia with international participation "Topical Issues of Infectious Pathology and Vaccine Prophylaxis" in the online format completed its work.

Leading specialists of various medical specialties, such as pediatrics and therapy, epidemiology, gastroenterology, resuscitation, clinical pharmacology, microbiology, immunology took part at the event.

The Congress of Children's Infectious Diseases of Russia is a significant scientific and practical event in Russia, which acquaints pediatricians with the latest developments in the field of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in children.

Leading experts in the field of pediatric infectious diseases took part in the formation of the scientific program.

There were 27 symposiums, 2 lectures, 1 round table. 126 reports were made. More than 1,550 users have joined the broadcast.