МЕДИ Экспо — Participation in the scientific program with the report
Outpatient polyclinic care in women's health epicenter from menarche to menopause. XXV Jubilee All-Russian Congress with international participation

Participation in the scientific program with the report

Application for report.

Applications for participation in the Scientific Program of the Congress are sent for consideration to the Scientific Council at the e-mail: v.prilepskaya@inbox.ru

The deadline for submitting applications until is February 20, 2019.

The application must be attached:

  1. Title of the report;
  2. a copy of the abstracts of the report;li>
  3. The full name of the speaker and all authors of the report (in full, not initials);
  4. the name of the institution and the speakers' regalia (completely without abbreviations);
  5. e-mail address (in case of its absence, the postal address with an index);
  6. Work and mobile phones, fax.

We invite you and your employees to take part in the work of the congress!

Contact Information
FSBI "National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakova "Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
117997, Moscow, st. Ak Oparina, 4,
tel: +7 (495) 438-69-34

Scientific program manager:
Honored Worker of Science, Professor Prilepskaya V.N.
e-mail: v.prilepskaya@inbox.ru
tel./fax: +7 (495) 438-69-34
Address 117997, Moscow, st. Ak Oparin, 4, Federal State Budgetary Institution “NMITS AGP im. IN AND. Kulakov
Ministry of Health of Russia, Scientific and Polyclinic Department.