МЕДИ Экспо — Address of the President of the“Radiology 2018”
X Anniversary All-Russia scientific and educational forum with international participation

Dear Colleagues,

Today radiology brings together several areas and professions. Speaking of radiology, we mean a broad range of diagnostical and therapeutical, from the classic radiography to the modern radionuclide methods of diagnostics and radiotherapy.

Each year there are more complex methods of antitumor therapy such as radioembolization, radiosurgery, proton therapy introduced to everyday practice, they include high-precision influence on tumor, which in its turn requires high-precision diagnostics, enabling individual approach to treatment of oncology patients.

The modern radiological, ultrasound and radionuclide method, achievements of endovascular surgery and radiotherapy open new perspectives in combination therapy. Only by joining them, we will able to apply a multidisciplinary approach and significantly improve quality of provided care.

Today Russia is on the verge of reforms unique in their complexity and scale. Being an acting president of the Russian Association of therapeutical and radiation oncologists (the “RATRO”), I am delighted about joining of professional interests of our specialties, which is, without any doubt, a milestone as for the Russian science as well as practical healthcare.

I am very grateful to the participants of the Congress “Radiology-2017” and member of the academy S.K. Ternovoy for their trust in me and election of me as the president of “Radiology-2018” congress. It is a great honor and responsibility.

I am confident that XII All-Russian National Congress will enhance our mutual understanding and have a significant motivational effect on formation of rational algorithms of diagnostics and treatment of patients, allow us to learn about the most advanced developments of national and foreign specialists in the field of radiology and provide an opportunity to discuss approaches and priorities in solution of the tasks before us. The selected multidisciplinary approach will allow to concentrate on formation of new directions and concepts of development of X-ray diagnostics, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine in the Russian Federation.

I highly appreciate your cooperation and active participation at the Congress.

See you!

Best regards,
Andrey D. Kaprin
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of medical sciences,
professor, “Radiology-2018” Congress President