МЕДИ Экспо — Mother and child 2010. XIth All-Russia scientific forum
Mother and child 2010. XI All-Russia scientific forum

Mother and child 2010

XI All-Russia scientific forum

Venue: Crocus Expo International Exhibition Centre (65-66 km of Moscow Ring Road)

Dates: September, 28 - October, 1, 2010



Сухих Г.Т.Honorable Colleagues and Friends!

The time has come to get prepared and conduct the regular XI-th All-Russian scientific forum “Mother and Child”.

The interest to the forum grows every year. This imposes a greater responsibility on the conference organizers.

The New Year is the time of new possibilities, the application of high technologies, innovative approaches, and health-saving technologies.

The Health Care System for Women and New-Born Children has been developed greatly in the expiring year. The realization of state programs, including the national priority project “Health”, the programs of economic and social development of Russia for the years 2008-2010, the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to the year 2025, has contributed to it.

Al the trends of the national project “Health” will be continued in the year 2010. This will undoubtedly contribute to the solution of problems concerning the maternity and childhood. The formation of healthy lifestyle is included into the project “Health” as a new trend.

“The Procedure of Obstetric and Gynecologic Assistance”, which was approved by the order of Ministry of Health Care and Social Development of the Russian Federation No 808n, dated October 2, 2009, is of great importance for the efficiency enhancement of the work of obstetric institutions.

An improvement in maternal and perinatal mortality has been detected in recent years. Alongside with that, the analysis of cotemporary situation indicates that the work for the promotion of availability and quality of obstetric-gynecologic assistance should be activated.

The complexity of present situation in the sphere of public health service is conditioned by demographic and reproductive problems, the growing needs of population, concerning the quality of medical assistance, which includes the provision of high-tech types of treatment.

It is supposed to discuss the strategic and clinical aspects of the delivery of obstetric-gynecologic and neonatologic assistance at the forum.

It is planned to conduct a Young Scientist Conference in the sphere of innovative technologies in obstetrics, gynaecology and neonatology, the All-Russian Midwifes Conference within the forthcoming forum. They are supposed to make a considerable contribution to the Women's Health.

It is also suggested to conduct a session of the Research Council in obstetrics and gynaecology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the RF in order to analyze the condition and to give the prognosis for the development of scientific research in the sphere of obstetrics, gynaecology and perinatology.

An international specialized exhibition “Mother and Child Health Care 2010” will be available on the days of the forum. The leading native and foreign companies will participate in it.

We invite you to participate actively in the work of the XI-th All-Russian scientific forum “Mother and Child”.

The president of the forum
Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Gennady Sukhih



The main scientific trends, which are planned to be reviewed at the forum, are as follows:

  • The Questions of the Improvement of the Delivery of Obstetric-Gynecologic Health Care.
  • The Problems of Perinatology and Neonatology.
  • The Management of Pregnancy and Easy Delivery.
  • Caesarian Operation in Modern Day Obstetrics.
  • Modern Aspects of the Auxiliary Reproductive Techniques.
  • Inflammatory Diseases of Genital Organs and the Reproductive Function.
  • Prevention and Treatment of Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders in the Age-Related Aspect.
  • Prevention of Malignant Genital Diseases: Condition, Problems, Prospects for Improvement.
  • The Role of Immunogenetic Research in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Contemporary Imaging Methods in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
  • The Evolution of the System of Continuous Professional Development of Obstetricians-Gynaecologists: Problems, the Ways of Their Settlement.
  • The Contemporary Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary and Secondary Amenorrhea in Adolescents.

The Young Scientist Conference, the All-Russian Midwifes Conference, «round-tables», workshops, lectures etc. are planed to be conducted within the scientific agenda.

The exhibition exposition of the leading Russian and foreign manufacturers of medications and contemporary medical equipment will be available on the days of the forum.