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    Current aspects of cesarean section in the report by PhD Uvarov D.

    At the upcoming Congress on anesthesia and reanimation in obstetrics and neonatology there will participant, as a speaker, a physician anesthesiologist-resuscitator, Ph. D. Uvarov Dmitriy (Arkhangelsk).

    Dear colleagues!
    In the framework of the   X all-Russian educational Congress "Anesthesia and resuscitation in obstetrics and neonatology" (November 22-24, 2017, Moscow) there will be a speaker, a physician anesthesiologist-resuscitator, PhD, assistant Professor of Department of anesthesiology and intensive care at the Northern state medical University (Arkhangelsk), the head of the training "Treatment of acute and chronic pain, interventional techniques and ultrasound in anesthesiology and intensive care," winner of numerous international grants and awards, member of the European society of anesthesiologists, member of the European society of regional anesthesia and pain Denis N. UVAROV. A talented scientist lecture will be devoted to "Caesarean section: the nuances and "little things" of anesthesia that we don't notice".