МЕДИ Экспо — Abstracts
ХIX Congress of Russian Children's Infectious Diseases
Current Issues of Infectious Pathology and Vaccine Prevention


Abstracts must be sent before December 1, 2020 inclusive

Abstracts will be published only in electronic form on the website of the scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal Children's Infections, which is included in the list of publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) and on the MEDI Expo website.

The publication of abstracts is possible only for registered participants!

Congress participants may publish 3 abstracts.

It is not allowed to publish more than 3 abstracts with the same first author.

General requirements for the publication of abstracts

  • Abstracts should reflect the purpose, materials and methods of research, the result, general conclusions and relevance - without tables and figures;
  • When uploading abstracts, there are limitations on the number of characters (without spaces) in each section.
    • Relevance — 250 characters
    • Target — 150 characters
    • Materials and methods — 300 characters
    • The result is 2,000 characters
    • General conclusions — 500 characters


The abstracts can be sent to the E-mail reg@mediexpo.ru.