МЕДИ Экспо — Contacts
XXXIV International Congress with a course of endoscopy
New technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases


Registration of participants
Nikolai Skibin
+7 (495) 721-88-66 (доб. 111)
+7 (929) 646-51-66
Participation of sponsors and exhibitors
Project Manager
Anastasia Knyazeva
+7 (495) 721-88-66 (доб. 112)
+7 (926) 611-23-94
Media accreditation
Advertising and PR Manager
Olga Eremeeva
+7 (495) 721-88-66 (доб. 125)
+7 (926) 611-23-59
Congress-operator LLC “MEDI Expo”
Address: 2-A, Odesskaya str, Moscow, Russia BC «LOTOS», Tower A, 5th floor
+7 (495) 721-88-66